Introduction to Foam Rolling: How to Foam Roll Like a Pro

Want to feel like you’re getting a grade-A spa treatment from the comfort of your own home? What if it only cost $40 to get started? Great, I have your attention now. Foam rolling is a simple way to give your muscles some TLC and have you feeling like a million bucks. It’s a great stretching technique that works for everyone, regardless of what shape you are in. Here’s a look at how to foam roll and everything you need to know to get started with foam rolling.

What is foam rolling?

Foam rolling, or using a foam tube to roll out your muscles, is a form of SMR (or self-myofascial rolling) stretching. Essentially, by using a foam roller, you activate your Golgi Tendon Organs which forces your muscles to go into a deep relaxing state. This process helps relieve tense muscles and burly knots in ways that traditional passive stretching cannot. Foam rolling eases the stress on your muscles and helps to prevent injury. The best news is if you are currently treating an injury, foam rolling exercises help relieve pain.

Is foam rolling safe for hypermobile people?

Hypermobility is defined as having joints that move through a greater range of motion than normal. Hypermobile people tend to be flexible and may sometimes be referred to as “double-jointed.” Contrary to popular belief, however, people with hypermobility can suffer from tight muscles just like typical people; it’s the ligaments and tendons that hold everything in place that tend to be looser and non-elastic. Foam rolling can indeed be safe (as long as you don’t have osteoporosis or osteopenia) for hypermobile people and those with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). In fact, it is one of the easiest ways to release over-tight muscles without causing the connective tissue to become looser as well.

Special considerations for foam rolling with EDS/HSD

  • Joints are controlled by muscle pairs/groups. Often the muscles that feel over-tight are the weaker muscles.

  • Foam rolling too much or over-stretching the spasming muscles will cause them to relax, yes, but while they are relaxed for an hour or so, the brain is screaming at them to “wake up and stabilize the joint!”

  • When the muscles “wake up” again, they over-contract and the knot comes back with a vengeance!

  • To avoid this: Always do one or two sets of light activation exercises after you roll to help prevent the knots from coming back worse.

  • Use foam rolling only on the over-tight muscles. If you’re not sure which muscles are genuinely over-tight, consult us for a free hypermobility assessment and consult today

How to select a foam roller

There are several options of foam rollers for you to choose from. You can opt to use a slightly spongy foam roller or go for an all-out meat pulverizer. If you’re new to foam rolling, it’s best to start with a medium density foam roller. Softer foams wear out quickly and may not feel productive enough for SMR. However, a beginner might find the more heavy-duty foam rollers to be too intense or painful for traditional foam rolling, which can be off-putting. For more information, see our What You Need to Know Before Buying a Roller.

Image shows a Sasquatch Training medium density three foot long foam roller with logo in new packaging

Sasquatch Training EVA Foam Roller - Store Link

A simple, hard-foam roller should only set you back about $40-45. Our favorite is our 3’ x 6” Sasquatch Training EVA Foam Rollers (Use code: BLOGSMR for $5 off). They don’t collapse under you and are perfect for those who are just getting started, all the way to pro athletes. If you’re on a super-tight budget, it is possible to use a tennis ball to practice SMR, but we won’t be covering too many of those techniques in this article.

How often to foam roll

If you’re new to the routine, we recommend only rolling three to four times a week. Once you’re initiated into the routine (two months) you are free to foam roll every day, up to three times a day. When you choose to foam roll is up to you. Foam rolling exercises are completely appropriate both before and after a workout. You can also foam roll without working out, simply carve time out of your day to make it happen. Read: this is a great thing to do while watching Netflix in the evening.

Active foam rolling muscles

Most people use foam rollers for active rolling or moving over the affected area. There are three main steps to foam rolling:

Image shows quadricep foam rolling with a regular foam roller

Quad myofascial rolling

  1. Position your body over the foam roller aligning the muscle you want to roll with your foam roller

  2. Roll or apply pressure therapy (see below) and roll back and forth over the meaty area five times in each direction. Keep three points of contact with the floor (the contact with the foam roller counts as one point).

  3. Rest for several seconds and repeat this process up to two more times if needed.

You are increasing the extensibility or pliableness of your muscle. This means your muscle can stretch farther and still return to its original resting length without getting overstretched. The benefit is it allows the muscles to move more freely around joints, promoting a better range of motion.

Pressure point foam rolling

Pressure point foam rolling works similarly to active foam rolling except you place the foam roller or ball on a specific point on your muscle. Select a spot where you have the most pain or an identifiable knot (called an adhesion).

When engaging in pressure point rolling, it’s important to keep the pressure on the muscle, not on tendons or joints. Target tense points or knots by placing your foam roller or a hard ball on the meaty part of your muscle. With the roller or ball between you and the floor, lean into the ball for 30-60 seconds or until you feel the muscle release. Actively inhale and exhale and try to relax the muscle as you keep pressure on it. Remember, there is no need to hold for longer than 60 seconds, doing so can cause bruising which increases inflammation and discomfort instead of relieving it. And never spend more than 2 minutes at a time on any muscle group.

You’re looking for your body to release the tension or allow for autogenic inhibition to take over. The resulting SMR reflex enables your muscles to loosen and relax in super-tight areas, leaving you feeling refreshed and less tight.

Safety tips for foam rolling exercises

There are a few quick safety tips to keep in mind when you’re foam rolling.

  • Always keep three points of contact between you and the floor. Remember, the foam roller or ball counts as one point of contact

  • NEVER directly foam roll over or behind joints. Avoid directly rolling your knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, etc. Focus on the meaty muscles around your joints instead.

  • Keep your hair and hoodies out of the way so it doesn’t get caught in the foam roller (ouch).

  • Don’t overdo it. Ony roll for a maximum of three times a day if you're experienced. Only roll every other day if you’re new to the exercise.

  • If you feel worse, not better, it is a sign your muscles need strength and conditioning, not just stretching.

Foam rolling is an excellent way to perform SMR and get some much-needed stress release in your muscles. Foam rolling acts as a great injury recovery and preventative measure. You’ll feel like a million bucks and your muscles will thank you for foam rolling!