Finding Balance in Fitness, Parenthood, and Life

Phew. These past few months have been such a whirlwind. I have to constantly remember to pause and collect myself. Working in the exercise industry as a small business owner and fit mom with a newborn takes work, lots of work. I can’t claim to have it all figured out, but I’m slowly finding my way with my newborn, Axel, and balancing taking care of a company I care deeply about. Here’s how I’ve managed (for better or worse) to survive as a fit mom with a newborn.

Take It Where You Can Get It

I started exercising three weeks after giving birth. My doctor gave me the go-ahead, and post-delivery the going was slow. My body simply revolted at the idea of working out. Instead of getting mad at my body, I chose to focus on going low and slow. I’d be lucky to get a two-mile hike in or spend 10 minutes on the elliptical before my baby, Axel, would freak out. I frequently work out covered in spit-up, sweat, and all of the other fun bodily liquids that are associated with being a new mom. But I am determined, and I keep on making time to make fitness happen.

A big life lesson for me has been adjusting my plans. Squeezing in a quick 15-minute session a few times a day instead of getting into the meditative long days at the gym.

I’ve come to terms that I’ll simply be dirty (save for my breasts, that need to be clean for my child). I’ll get my workout in when I can, even if that means pausing while I vacuum the house to squeeze a few squats in. However, if that’s the sacrifice that needs to happen to balance motherhood with working out and living, then so be it.

Life as a Small Business Owner with a Newborn

I love my business and my child. In many ways, the two are one and the same (with a few key differences of course). I find the same kind of joy helping my clients reach their fitness goals as I do seeing my kid learn how to hold his pacifier. When I first came up with a post-natal business plan, I hoped to work on branding and launch a new fitness group for new moms.

Although it’s been nearly impossible to squeeze in an hour here or there to focus on these things, I’ve slowly been adjusting to my new schedule. As Axel begins to adjust to life outside the womb, I’ve found that I’m slowly able to return to the work I know and love. In many ways, my newborn has inspired me to push further and work harder. House chores may have recently doubled and my time may feel infinitely limited as I try to juggle having two kids and running a business, but I’m determined and have become okay with the monumental piles of laundry.

Finding a Helping Hand

I recently hired and took in a live-in au pair this past week. Ever since I returned home from the delivery room, I’ve been excited to meet our new helper. She comes from Colombia and having someone from a different cultural background in the home is an absolute dream for my two kids. So far, we have loved having her help, not to mention, I can finally get back to my regular business hours and transition back to a working mom’s lifestyle. We are thrilled to have her and it’s been amazing and a challenge thus far.

I know it’s a short-term challenge, but working on my business, raising my two kids and also helping our au pair adjust to our way of life has been even more time consuming and exhausting than I originally thought. Once we settle into a routine, it will all become easier. The key is to be patient and keep trying.

A New Mom Looking to Get Back to Her Formal Fit Self

The one thing I’ve learned from re-adjusting to my new life is to take it slow and give yourself a break for not being perfect. Mom’s have this added pressure of feeling like their lives always have to be 100% put together and 100% on point. I’m okay if the house chores aren’t always done. I’m fine with the fact that my hair is messy and my clothes are dirty. I value the time with my new and growing family as well as my successful business and fit lifestyle. Life is about sacrifice and priority, understanding what’s important in your life is the first step towards creating a balanced, fit lifestyle that’s right for you.

Overall, I’m excited for this new chapter in my life. I’m also thrilled to connect with new moms and help them along their post-natal fitness journey. Let’s have a conversation and work towards creating a brighter, fitter future for ourselves and our families.